The Greasy Hands Preachers


Less a film than a stocking stuffer for custom motorcycle enthusiasts, this Orlando Bloom-supported docu feels like an excuse for its directors to geek out with fellow bike fans.

You’ve heard of “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”? Well, “The Greasy Hands Preachers” is pitched at pretty much the same choir, but instead of seeing the joys of hands-on motorcycle work as a chance to delve into deeper philosophical topics, this collection of superficial platitudes from dudes whose lives were made better by building custom cycles serves mostly to validate its subjects’ two-wheeling lifestyle. It’s just the sort of niche-interest affirmational docu Christopher Guest has made a career of parodying, though this one plays it straight, relying on Orlando Bloom’s exec-producer credit to push-start its limited prospects.

《The Greasy Hands Preachers》是由 Arthur De Kersauson 和 Clément Beauvais 联合执导,“精灵王子 ”Orlando Bloom 监制的一部讲述定制机车骑手生活的一部纪录片。

影片不仅讲述了骑行这项运动,更多的讲述了 骑手和他们珍贵的定制机车的过程以及两者之间的紧密联系。这部情节丰富的电影以从 Galicia 的山脉到犹他州的盐滩的迷人风景作为背景,汇集了全世界各地的热爱机车的人们,赞颂着“四个轮子带动着你的身体,两个轮子的触动你的灵魂”的机车文化。

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